Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Name is Jonas

Before this week I believed that the purity rings on those rich little Jonas paws were just for publicity. I thought for sure that Kevin, Joe, and Nick have all been deflowered, but I fear I might be wrong. They might actually be queers. Not queers in the homosexual sense, but in the sense that they're gay.
On Thursday night I witnessed the spectacle that was Nick Jonas' solo show with his band The Administration. From my front row seat, I sat quietly for the two hour show soaking in all the screaming tweens and their mothers. When the show started I began making silly faces at Nick to get his attention. First he kind of laughed, but then I started doing the universal sign for "blow job" and he didn't appreciate that. This is where my idea of him being a queer stems from. And the best part was that he continued to talk mess throughout the show about how I was just sitting there not into it. I felt soooo cool, you have no idea. haha Pissing off one of the Jonas Brothers has now been checked off my "to-do before I die" list.
You can see how pissed he is after about a minute and twenty seconds. I wish whoever filmed this would have turned around to film me haha

What you don't see in the video is the three security guards that came running at me as soon as he pointed. They were on top of their shit, I'll tell you that much.
Not gonna lie though, his solo music is a lot better than anything he made with his borthers, and I think he's going to do bigger things without them.

1 comment:

  1. Dam he looked pissed! HAHAHAHAHAH I applaud you my friend.
